Top 2014 Celebs Divorces In United States

Top 2014 Celebs Divorces In United States

Now divorce is becoming very common issue in United States. The rate of divorce in USA celebs is very high than general's population. There are several reasons of divorce among celebrities but some reasons are very common for instance,infidelity, financial problems, Collapse of communication,  addictions, Abuses , child inability, religious difference and lack of interest etc. There are some couple their divorces heart their fans. Lets see USA celebrities divorce in 2014 

Amber Rose & Wiz Khalifa 

 Jordin Sparks and Jason Derulo 

Mariah Carey & Nich Cannon 

Future and Ciara

Heidi Klum and Grammy 

 Miranda Lambert & Black Shelton

 Melanie Iglesias and Antonio Benderas 

Elizabeth Vargas & Marc Cohen 

Ty Murray and Jewel